A Frizz by any other name…

frizz-nicknames1“Frizz” was not the only nickname for Bob Fuller. According to screenwriter, author, and longtime friend, Wayne Wilson, Frizz was variously known as, Bobo, Bug, Bughouse, Frazzbo, Frink, Frizz, Frisbe, Froob, Frooba, the Hound, the Lad, Lowboy, Lug, Luggard, Lugger, Plug, Plugger, Plughound, and Streamlined Daddy.

According to Wilson:
“Streamlined Daddy” — that one may invite some explanation. After a mysterious absence of a month or so, Frizz turned up at our communal dwelling — The House of Space and Time — in Pomona, having shaved his head and gained at least 50 pounds. “Bob?” said one of our compadres, as this rotund figure, eyes of polished flint hidden by sunglasses, came huffing and puffing up the driveway.  “No,” was the businesslike reply. “Streamlined Daddy.”

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